We provide the largest range of print consumables in the industry for Ireland, UK and Europe
Tradesupply has been involved in the print business for over 15 years now. Originally started by 2 brothers that bought into a franchise, we began refilling and remanufacturing printer cartridges in Dublin, Ireland. These many years of experience within the cartridge remanufacturing industry has led to the quality products you see today from Tradesupply.
We Value Quality
Tradesupply’s number one priority is quality. Above price every time, we value quality. We have worked many years to ensure we supply only the best possible quality products, and this has meant on occasion that price does become an issue. However, we have stayed our ground, proving in the long run, cheaper inferior products were shown to be of such poor standard that they either damaged the printing device or gave such poor printouts that custom was lost.

Relationships are Key
Tradesupply values its supplier relationships and it’s this consistency of supply line that has produced our highly reliable and consistent products. We only work with approved suppliers, whom we have built years of trust and business. We work with our production factories very closely, which ensures the highest quality. We have only a select number of factories which produce products for Tradesupply, this is why you will not see our packaging change.
We believe in consistency




The consistency of our products, our packaging, our pricing and our service has been at the forefront reasons for our continued growth. Customers appreciate the quality and reliability of our products and our management of this process. Our packaging is consistently the same, which customer’s value, as they cannot be seen to supply different packaging every time they deliver, it looks cheap and unprofessional.
Best value for customers
Tradesupply will actively reduce prices to ensure greatest value for our customers. We must make a profit also, but will achieve this through low margins, great service and high quality. Our customers must have to confidence to sell our products and it’s for that reason that NO other supplier will offer this comprehensive back up.
Our products are backed by
- Either a 2 or 5 year warranty
- Easy return and replacement service
- Next day on-site engineer
We believe strongly in Ethical Business
Tradesupply believes strongly in ethical business and for this reason all our products are non patent infringing. While our products are compatible, they do not infringe on any OEM patents. We are aware of many counterfeit, illegal and patent infringing products that are on sale currently in UK & Europe, and being sold unwittingly to trade dealers. These dealers can be prosecuted for the offence, along with the supplier. Tradesupply strongly condemns this practice, which is usually combined with low prices and poor quality. Please contact Tradesupply for any further information on this topic.
We want to hear from you
Throughout our history we have gained the knowledge, experience and the contacts to bring you exceptional products. We will continue to improve our offering, delivery and service. We hope you value these characteristics in a supplier and choose Tradesupply. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!